Monday, March 2, 2009


It has been quite a long time that i never update anything..

Banyak bnda nk cerita sbenanye..
Tp terpakse diam dlu sbb aku mmg bz..
Sbenanye nk tawu aku bz pe?

almost 2 weeks jgk la aku bz on my preparation to attend an interview. Government interview as PTD.
sgt sakit kepale okk nk wat preparation...
Da lepas ni legaaaaaaa..fuuuhhhhh..
tp nk tgu result plak satu hal..
xpela..ade rezki, ade la kn..
Yang penting..i've tried my best!

Mase interview ni ade mcm2 cerita..
Cerita nye cani....

2 weeks before interview tu aku da start google mcm2 articles for current issue la..Malaysian constitute la..Malaysian law la..Power separation la..PBB, asean,etc..
Kire tepu jugak la otak aku ni kne sumbat ngn benda2 cani..
Aissshhh..Tyme study dlu pun xdela otak aku tepu smpi cani.
Nmpk sangat la aku hard up dgn post ni kn..agagaga.
Hari2 aku soh ibu aku bli kn paper..
Pkol 8 mlm je aku da tercongok tercatuk depan tv nk tgk buletin utama..
Mmg gile kentang punye fokus la kt brite tu..
Smpi Nano asek2 ckp aku poyo..
huhhh..lantak pi la..
Janji nt klu panel tu tny pape x dela nmpk aku ni cm bodo sgt kn (walaupun hakikatnye mmg agak BUDUH sedikit aku ni)..hehe.
Kt ofis pun aku x wt kerja sgt..
Important stuff je yg aku wat..
mane yg rase2 bley postponed tu, aku wat dek jela dlu..
2 minggu aku keje mkn gaji buta tau..
Soriii ye bosss....
Stat je hari Isnin mgu interview tu mmg da cuak da aku..Byk lagi bnde aku tak cover tau.
Hari2 aku risau..Lg2 klu bace ptd portal..Perghhh bapak gempak candidate yg lain pny preparation. Tu yg wat aku lg tambah takut..Adoiii..Hari2 rase cm besok je nk interview.Cuakkkkk...sejuk tangan aku.
Yang penting the day before interview tu aku tdo awal..
Sampi sane je aku candidate num 6.
Ade 2 blik interview with four panels.Two panels for each room.
Ade briefing session..So both of my panels are man.One of them is Dato' and the other one is Tn.Teetttt .Both of them are also a PTD.
Aiiishhh..cuak tp cube jgk cool kan diri.
Naseb bek ade membe, Nira..Classmate mase kt MGHS dlu.Kitorg mmg ade jodoh kot. Yela..Mane x nye, dari exam., bwk ke assesment, pastu interview ni pun kitorg dpt hari yg same and tempat yg same.
Kt sane jumpa An, membe mase UMS dlu.
Die skrg da jd Pegawai ..
Jelessss aku an ngn ko.Hahaha..
Bile aku ckp cmtu je..Mule la die ckp yg dpt interview PTD tu lg best person among the best.
Banyak la ko..Kitorg ni cume interview je..Blom tentu dpt lg..

Bile tibe turn aku..
Msuk je, the dato' ask...
hurrmmm..universiti Sabah ehh.
Ok, sape canselor UMS?
Naseb bek la mlm tadi br tny meli sape canselor UMS yg bru ni..
Dgn confident aku jwb,Tan Sri Panglima Ahmad Syah Abdullah, TYT Sabah..
fuhh lega.. Naseb bek da hafal..Haha.
Lepas tu bley die tny..
Awak ni..mmg org sini ke?
Aah Dato'..
But then u sound like Sabahan..
The the other panel also said so..
Then i was like,Owh yeke?Hehee..Mmg ramai pun da ckp mcm tu mase saya kt Sabah dlu.
Maybe sbb saya org Jawa kot..Hehe.
Sempat lagi ko promote jawa ko ek ...agagaga.

Lbey kurang half an hour dlm tu, aku kua ngn lega..Ptg tu aku kne msuk ofis sbb ade keje.
Hampeh...Baru pk nk blk qada' tido.
Petang tu tgh drive nk balik keje aku dpt phone call..
Cube teka dari sape??Hehee...

Bley tak one of the panel tu yg call aku..
"Saya Tn Tettt panel interview tadi."Aku da cuak2 tkut ade problem dorang nk submit form aku ke..resume ke.Rupenye takde hal..
"Saya tengok awak ni bley bercakap ehh..confident.Klu nk jd PTD, mmg kite cari org mcm awak ni la. Tapi cume kdg2 tu point awak macam awak x ready, x prepare..So, next time klu pergi interview, prepare la dlu."bla..bla..bla...
Mcm2 la lgi die ckp. .
Aku da sedey bile dengar die ckp 'next time' tu...mcm xde can je nk dpt.
And die soh call die la klu ade pape nt..

So tgk jela nanti, ade rezki aku dpt, dpt la...
Takde rezki, cube lagi..
Tapi yang penting aku da berjaya ke final stage ni..Hehee.
Tawakal je skrg yg tinggal.


Anonymous said...

mawar, saya pun pernah kene macam awak tapi tak semestinya dia follow up tu maknenye nak mengorat ke ape.....cuma concern je more to be as a mentor or something like that je.....may be better u tak yah citer kat blog sebab biase jer mende ni...

Mawar misswateva said...

aiisshh..that was also wat my mum told me.maybe they are trying to be more concern.then alhamdulilah la klu mcm least ade jgk org yg concern dgn saya..

this is my blog..i have the right to write anything i want. i think this is my i juz wanna share it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bkn org tua goverment shj yg gatal.even pemandu teksi pun byk yg gtl.corporate person yg old age pun ada yg gtl.hati2 bila bckp-panel spa

Clarice said...


Anonymous said...

I support you !!! Only putting effort people would deserved the BEST !!!

Anonymous said...

Disagree with ptd. This is her blog, its her freedom to blog whatever she feels like blogging. If you do not share the same views or opinions, then don't bother reading. She's not imposing it on you.

So do the right thing..Just click the 'X' icon and leave.

Anonymous said...

apala ni ptd, kepo dia, dia punya suka ler...
tak suka cau la...

~secret admire~

Mawar misswateva said...

everybody has their own opinion..
so terpulang la masing2 nk judge macamane..
saya cume crite experience saya je..

to whom that support me, thanks a lot...

kepada sesape yg terase hard feeling ek and thanks for all those comments.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 3,

bg sy kan awk xleh laah nk comparekan antara goverment officer dgn teksi driver laa...of course laa goverment officer tu seseorg yg mane sikap dia yg professional tu.

sila bandingkan dgn sesuatu yg logik,,,jgn compare bnda yg xmasuk akal...

***btw, btl k awk ni panel spa??

Anonymous said...

persan cantik.dah ler gue nanek gugurkan baby x punsikit sebnyak mke ko kan ada rupe marlia dlm spa Q ala zah mahzan la...ko 2 ngan die mcm kembar....-mr kambing biri-biri(pegawai ptd biri biri sedunia)hahahahahahha

Dee Dee said...

wah tak ku sangka you can get this kinda attention! LOL!

to the idiotic anonymous writers:

First of all, i would like to applaud your cowardice. Its the epitome dodging. I hate anonymous comentators. They act as if they know everything when they dont and they comment as if they know your life better then you.

And you know what's the best part? they dont have the balls to actually leave their name behind when they comment something unpleasant.

HEY! HASNT ANYONE TEACH YOU TO STAND BY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR WORDS AND ACTIONS? that, by the way, means that you should leave behind your name attached to your comments.

Its the same like hiding behind your parents' skirt! GROW UP LA SERIOUSLY!

secondly, my cousin has the right to write what ever it is she feels like writing here. Exaggerated or not. The truth or otherwise. It is afterall, her blog. A space allocated exclusively for her to write what's on her mind - fictional or not, ada kaitan dgn yg hidup / yg dah mati atau tak der kaitan langsung. Those who's not satisfied canb just fuck off. Don't even bother commenting.

Get my drift?

Thirdly, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Ever heard of that? If you think she's unpleasant looking, you're one of those few and rare people that i've come across.

God has never allowed anyone to judge a fellow human being. Why? coz it is never in your place to do so. Only he has the privelege of that. Haven't you learnt anything growing up?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and see the reflection of yourself?! Ever wondered why sometimes your friends desert you for other better things in their life? ya. Think carefully. Ponder long and hard my dear anonymous.

Don't act as if you know my cousin so well. You have no idea of the soul within and the beauty it contains.

Finally, judging from your comments, I have no idea if you even manage to understand a fraction of whatever i've written.

If you understand and have difficulty understanding certain words - there's

If not, you have a malay english dictionary? Use it.

Never once. Ever. Insult my cousin ever again or you'll regret the day you're born.

At least i know that she has so many things going for her in her favour. Do you?


Mawar misswateva said...

hahahaa..thanx deedee,my cutie cuzzy!!

shooting star said...

eeeyy.daling, wat the heck? giler vavi anonymous (x bername) nie.giler ke org mereng suke blogging n heck blog org eh?hahaha..sound stupid.xper u..take it easy..~good luck for ur ptd eh..i noe u can.yeah2.yeah.!! =)