Dalam dok sibuk usha2 kasut raya, my eyes caught on a few fabulous shoes ..Tp i rase klu pakai for raya adalah agak hover.
So instead of wearing the shoes for raya, adalah lebih sesuwai ianya dijadikan kasut for wedding..
yela kannn..klu wedding ko, ko nk over cmne pn takde org kesah..except for makcik2- joyah- kt-luar -tu -yg- dok- sibuk -jage- tepi- kain- org! Lepastu cerita2 kt blkg kite...
Adehhhh..i benci tau org2 kepoh cmni..
As for me, for wedding shoes i prefer sumthing which is not too simple(harusss la over cketttt..kawen katanya.), musti bling2, and yg penting at least 3 inches heel.
So here are some shoes yg buat air liur saya meleleh2 tak berhenti....=p
meh tgk jommmmm....
Dalam dok sibuk usha2 kasut raya, my eyes caught on a few fabulous shoes ..Tp i rase klu pakai for raya adalah agak hover.
So instead of wearing the shoes for raya, adalah lebih sesuwai ianya dijadikan kasut for wedding..
yela kannn..klu wedding ko, ko nk over cmne pn takde org kesah..except for makcik2- joyah- kt-luar -tu -yg- dok- sibuk -jage- tepi- kain- org! Lepastu cerita2 kt blkg kite...
Adehhhh..i benci tau org2 kepoh cmni..
As for me, for wedding shoes i prefer sumthing which is not too simple(harusss la over cketttt..kawen katanya.), musti bling2, and yg penting at least 3 inches heel.
So here are some shoes yg buat air liur saya meleleh2 tak berhenti....=p
meh tgk jommmmm....
I suke bling2 kt peep toe ni!Tak over sgt and tak plak simple sgt..Just nice.
Yg ni pn santekkkk..i luv the ideas of ribbon/diamond kt tepi instead of kt atas..errrr,paham tak??=p
okeh, ni baru nama over..tp i suke..gorjes kauuuu..
okeh, ni baru nama over..tp i suke..gorjes kauuuu..
Owh, ni simple sgt kottt. tp kalau ade yg suke simple2 ni why not kan..
wahh, sy paling suke yg gambar no 6.. cantikknyee!! suke lacey floral2 cmtu, sweet je tp sgt elegant.. love it! :)
Dear, sangat suka kasut yang ada ribbon kat atas, sebab dia guna chiffon and platform heels sumore. Tapi semua pun gojes, tumpang melelh air liur gak
woi, ko sama mcm aku. Aku terpaksa pakai kasut rendah sebab nanti if aku pakai 3 inches heels, surely wak lan kemetot jadinya. DIa tu pun kan comel.. hehe
sya sakura~ kannnn..elegan okk!
Rilla~silalah meleleh bersama2 saya..hehee.
anaifa~oitttt..haha..tula pasai. da kite dpt org yg comel2 nk buat cmno..kihkih.=)
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