Since Cikgu Biah xbg kaler putih, i tried out this colour of kain.. huh. tp mmg langsung xmasuk ngn kulit i yg mmg hetam berkeladak ini..
The SA sgt la bagus.baik je die layan i yg mmg byk songeh ni..Tgk muke pn da tawu ade je yg i xbekenan kan..=)
owh, mase ni tgh choose which lining should i take. At last i plih the white lining. For the kain i tukar to 2 tone chiffon in turqoise colour.
At last..settle.=)
Early November mcmtu, i start cari tailor. Bile da beli kain yg berbatu batan cmtu, faham2 jelakan tailor charge kite cmne,so i try to call Sheera, which is my friend's sister!Die ade kedai kt Medan Mara. Lepas discuss thru phone, i really heart Sheera sbb she charged me sgt la murah..super cheap okkk.Half of the price dr rege tailor2 yg i da tny.
Double happy..=))
Sheera promised me that baju i akan siap in the middle of December so that ade mase untuk buat alteration kalau la i terkurus atau tergumuk menjelang my E-day!hee.
Deco for bilik i cari kt Ikea..Kan vases and candles kt Ikea byk choices and harga pun not bad.So that's why i prefer to go there for deco's hunting. Ade sum of the vases yg i beli for bilik tp disebabkan Cikgu Biah da berkenan, dia amek and letak kt hall.I redha jelaaaa..Da alang2 g Ikea, me and En Kunyit singgah The Curve, niat hati nk singgah Pak habib usha2 cincin risik..Mase tu i tgk rege mas RM142/g..Urrgghhh.bernanah mata ok tgk harga emas yg melambung naik time tu. Tp since Cikgu Biah ckp for risik beli la emas kuning, so ikut jelaa..I rase worth sgt pergi The Curve haritu sbb at the same time we oso managed to find shades that suited us well.Owhh..dan wallet for En Kunyit juga kami dpt cari hari tu. Lega sgtttt..(wallet was the replacement of shirt from the earlier plan).So cincin risik, shades and wallet done!
Cari shades tu lg satu hal..a few days before, me and En Kunyit masuk Spore. Puas kami survey kt sana, but the it was much more priceyyy over there.. Eventhough mase tu X-Mas sale da start da. so atlast x jadi beli kt sana. The stuff that we managed to get there were only clutch and shoe for me..=) Jadi la kan dari nan ado. Tula sbbnye 'ter'bertambah cket my hantaran .kihkihkih..
Owh yee, since i ni suke sgt tgk blog/website yang decor hantaran so i bgtau Cikgu Biah and En Kunyit that i sooo want to do the hantaran myself.mahu testing skill yg tak berapa nak ada ni.hee.. Cume bekas2 for the hantaran, i rase kalau beli mmg sgt rugi sbb lepas tu bukannye kite gune sgt pun kan. So i decided to rent from Merisik Gallery the silver boxes set (for me) and cinderella pumpkin carriage (for En Kunyit). Settleeee..senang cite rent for one week, pastu pulang balik. xde nk pening2 kepala kan. For alas dulang i g beli kt Nilai. I pergi berdua je ngn En Kunyit. Cikgu Biah kalau tempat2 panas cmtu mane la die suke nk ikut. Tp yg bagusnye Cikgu Biah ni, die x komplen sgt pe yg i pilih (kire taste i masuk la ngn die). Mmg die bagi 99% kebebasan and kepercayaan pd i utk buat pilihan for my E-Day. Besttt2!=)
Punye la masuk dari 1 kedai ke 1 kedai, last2 dpt jgk beli alas dulang for me and En Kunyit. En Kunyit ni pn satu bagus.. Pe i ckp cantik, die ikuttt jela.Xde de banayak songeh cm kite org perempuan ni kan.. Tp i tatau klu die ikut ckp i tu sbb malas nk tgk i ngamuk2.Al maklumla..die pn da paham sgt klu buah hati pengarang jantung die ni da ngamuk, satu sen x gune..=p So alas dulang and bekas hantaran done!
This is the alas dulang yg i beli kt Nilai, RM 10.90/pc and for the satin is RM3.00/pc. (if ade b2b yg masih mencari2 alas dulang and interested to rent mine, please email me for enquiries.bentuk alas dulang tu sbenarnye adalah hexagon(segi enam),bukannye bulat/segiempat.dan ade jugak juntaian manik pd setiap penjuru.I ade 9 pcs sumenye. harga istimewa for u guys=).Tq.)
And the silver boxes adalah dari Merisik Gallery.
Kt Nilai jgk i beli ribbons and some stuff yg munkin akan digunakan for deco. Actually time tu i x pk pn lagi deco cmnei nk wat, tp I juz beli je mane yg bkenan kt mate i.nanti2 baru pk nk letak ang gune kt mane all those ribbons and glitters.
Boxes for doorgift pulak i beli dari dua supplier. Plain white boxes i ordered from Nard,Ole Ole Manis . (Owh yes Nard, i have received ur glamorous card.Sgt cantik okkkk..=). But i cannot make it on this sunday to ur wedding sbb i have to attend a kenduri kt Melaka la sayang..btw, Selamat Pengantin baru in advance k dear. Hope that u will have a wonderful marriage..). Ok, The steoroform box plak i ordered from kak Ida, my couz. ni handmade okeh, so mahal cket.
This is the plain white box that i ordered from Ole Ole Manis. It cost me RM1.00/box. Since the box mmg plain shj, so i tambah la ribbon yg i da beli kt nilai tu..So yg ni i jadikan doorgift for adults.
(Nampak tak kt belakang tu??Tu pulak alas dulang En Kunyit..Die punye segi empat and ade juga ribbon di setiap penjuru.I yg pilih, harus lahh cantik kan.=p)
ok, yg ni doorgift yg i bg utk kids..Sgt comel.handmade by my couz. die mmg ade amek order for any majlis. It cost me RM2.00/box.Interested?Boleh email saya jugak..=)
Since i'm using fresh flower for the hantarans deco, so mmg susah la cari supplier yg murah kt Melaka tu. So once i dpt tawu yg kt Floristika, Bangsar supplied fresh flower dengan harga yg istimewa, so i ajak en Kunyit pergi untuk survey2 and tgk bunga mana yg kami berkenan and kena ngn theme kami. So the first time we went there juz utk survey2 shj..1 month before my E-Day, i pergi lagi sekali utk booking and pilih the flowers..
Till then..nanti i sambung lg k.=)
cantik menarik, tertarik..rasa macam nak bertunag lagi hehe
cantek ur hantaran.. =))
baekkknyer encik kunyit nie....untung u cik dunhill....
psssttttt...xsabar nk tunggu cite tunang the series part 3...mcm drama gerak khas lak rasenyer...hahahaha...
fana~tgu la nt u tunangkan anak ehhh.=)haha.
cik belle~thanx darl.
johnlabu~sila la tunggu.=)
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